a fresh start.

It’s been over 15 years for me in this industry. I love creating fresh and fun experiences for people. But on days like today, it’s hard to keep that in perspective. Being part of a studio closure hits different than just moving onto a different company or experiencing a layoff where part of the staff get let go.

Timbre Games was probably the best collection of talent, creative spirit, and drive that I’ve ever seen at a studio. I hope that culture and DNA doesn’t go away, but instead permeates into every nook and cranny for whatever comes next for these developers. We were committed to doing development differently & respected people’s time and effort, and to make games that appealed to us. Unfortunately, Timbre was caught in the many studio closures and layoffs of the last 18 months.

Onto the next adventure. Whatever that may be. I know I’ll be taking that spirit with me.

- Kyle

